What was I doing a few days ago
Since I took these photos, I've finished my most complicated socks ever. These are the same socks I told you I had turned the heel on at the end of July. All the pictures I've taken of them since then have been fuzzy. I'll post something when I have a nice photo of them.
Meanwhile, I've been making progress on my sweater. This is the first time I've knit myself a sweater. I'm using the Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns by Ann Budd, and I'm re-using the yarn from my aborted attempt at a skirt. So far, so good. In the photo you see here, I've finished the back and am part-way up one side of the front. In reality, I've finished one front panel and have just decreased the armhole of the second. It looks like this might actually work.
I have joined a baby-hat project at work. When it comes to chilren's charities, I usually prefer Plan/Childreach to Save the Children. However, Save the Children is doing a baby cap knitting project, and a bunch of us at work are participating.
In gardening news, I've been harvesting between two and three pounds of beans every two to three days. Mmmmmmm.
Meanwhile, I've been making progress on my sweater. This is the first time I've knit myself a sweater. I'm using the Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns by Ann Budd, and I'm re-using the yarn from my aborted attempt at a skirt. So far, so good. In the photo you see here, I've finished the back and am part-way up one side of the front. In reality, I've finished one front panel and have just decreased the armhole of the second. It looks like this might actually work.
I have joined a baby-hat project at work. When it comes to chilren's charities, I usually prefer Plan/Childreach to Save the Children. However, Save the Children is doing a baby cap knitting project, and a bunch of us at work are participating.
In gardening news, I've been harvesting between two and three pounds of beans every two to three days. Mmmmmmm.