Friday, October 05, 2007

Another Post Different from my Intentions

I had intended to give you some photos. They're on my camera. I'll get 'em to you soon.

I have until Monday, October 8, to flash my stash as a contest item.

My whole stash?

I mean, I'm having a hard time coming up with a name for myself on Ravelry and then I'll have to flash my stash anyhow. But right now?????? Well, maybe I can manage it.

What's got me in such a tizzy this fall is that I've signed up for a college class and it's very time-consuming. Unlike most of the people I know, I do not yet have my degree. I'm employed full-time in a job where most people have a degree. I know people who are unemployed who have degrees that would probably qualify them for my job and who I would invite to join our company if we had any openings, since we could use the help.

So anyhow, I'm working (very slowly) on the degree. The class I'm taking is "Introduction to Literature." Yes, one of the "core curriculum" required courses at most colleges. I'm taking it at the local community college. I am no slouch when it comes to school and this course is kicking me ... hard. I knew it would. I went to a very good, highly-respected preparatory school and even there I was able to fake it, somehow, through English class (with one exception, but that teacher actually taught me something).

But this time, I'm determined to "get it," if you will, and I'm putting some serious effort into the class. I'm getting some serious learning out of it. This is absolutely exhausting. I am not unhappy, or complaining - I'm just whining. See? That's what I do.

Meanwhile, right after class last week my cousin died of her cancer. I don't know which was worse. My cousin spent two weeks or so in a state where major painkillers were her only hope to be able to stand to be alive. Then I had to tell my mother that her cousin died. Doesn't sound quite as bad as I'm suggesting? Mom's jealous that my cousin is dead. This is normal for Mom. I was just fooling myself into thinking it wasn't a part of her reality right now. I don't get to run away from it. Boo hoo poor me.

In other news, I signed up to be a sock savior for sockapalooza. I usually knit a little bit in the morning before I get out of bed and then, if I'm lucky, some other time in the day. I have set aside the tofutsies (color 722) sock that I have started no less than five times and absolutely will finish this time. I have set aside the mystery stole. I have only given in to the temptation to knit a few more rounds of my mitten class sampler wristlet. This pair of socks is my life right now. I will cry if it doesn't fit when she gets it.

By the way. I just subscribed to Piecework magazine. This is not because of something that is in that magazine right now, but rather because I've been told that something will be in there in less than six months.

Ok. That's all for now. I've got to get back to my class assignment. I blame Neil Gaiman for what I did. Yes, that links to a story. Mine is much longer, more reminiscent of a different story he did in the same anthology as this one, but is very much the same ... genre perhaps? I never would have thought of arranging the story this way, except he did it. I'm not so clever. But I can learn.

If I ever have the opportunity to meet him, I'm afraid I'll give in to the temptation to offer to knit him a pair of socks. Black socks, with a lime on one cuff and a yellow glove on the other. I'd just knit them, but of course I need some measurements. Or do I. I suppose I could do ribbing from top to bottom and make them heel-less. Ok, I'm a writer groupie. Here - watch him at Google. That's 60 minutes long, so I'm not even going to try to embed it. Enjoy.

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Blogger jennsquared said...

let me know when you finally picked a name so I can add you to my friends. Mine is jennsquared.

October 06, 2007 11:06 PM  

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